Please join us for the 14th Annual Nano-Bio Symposium on Engineering in Aging Research. Census data from the United States projects that by 2050 the 65 year-old population will double and about 20% of the population will be over 60 years old. A rapidly aging world is expected to induce socio-economic burdens, including age-associated diseases, disabilities, multi-morbidities, polypharmacy, and healthcare costs. Engineers are positioned to explore and provide solutions to these challenges and more to promote healthy aging and well-being.
See the full agenda, speakers, and register for the symposium.
An online event for for underrepresented graduate students in STEM at Hopkins
This workshop is the first in a three-part series for underrepresented graduate students in STEM at Hopkins to help them grow their digital presence among their peers, the public, and future employers.
Scholarly identifiers help researchers establish their presence among peers and is part of their digital identity. Identifier platforms such as Scopus, Google Scholar, and ORCID can track a researcher’s scholarly output and impact, establish them among other researchers with similar names, and more. They are also used by other organizations as well such as funders for grant applications and scholarly publishers.
However, college students are unfamiliar with them and unsure how or where to get started using the platforms. If you are new to author identifiers or want learn more about them, join our workshop with scholarly communications expert Robin Sinn.
The event will be held virtually on the Zoom platform. Registration is required and closes at 12:00 pm on June 20, 2021. A Zoom link will be emailed to you the day before and the day of the event.
About our Speaker: Robin Sinn (she/her/hers)
Robin Sinn is a librarian in the Milton S. Eisenhower Library in the Office of Scholarly Communications. Sinn’s areas of expertise are publishing trends, open access, and copyright.
The workshop series is made possible by The Gilliam Fellowship for Advanced Study at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The goals of the Gilliam program are to ensure that students from groups historically excluded and unrepresented in science are prepared for leadership roles in science.

Please join us for a virtual information session to learn about the INBT’s Masters Industry Co-Op Program.
To broaden the practical training for Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) students in the Whiting School of Engineering, INBT collaborates with major industry partners to offer students a six-month Co-Op opportunity that provides industry experience, a salary, and college credit. This program is currently only available to students in the Departments of Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
Go to the Masters Co-Op website to learn more about the program.
*The Co-Op program is still active during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This event will be held via Zoom and students can log in here.
Webinar ID: 946 8492 6515
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Demystifying Scientific Publishing from the Perspective of a Researcher Turned Professional Editor
Registration for this virtual event is required. A Zoom link will be emailed to registrants the day of and the morning of the event.
Join us for a virtual meet and greet with Nature Communications editor Doaa Megahed. Doaa will discuss the publication process at Nature journals and Nature Communications in particular. During the session the audience can ask questions about the editorial process, what it’s like to be an editor, and more.
In preparation for the event, the guest speaker has a survey for attendees to gather their interests and insights about scientific publications.
Doaa Megahed (aka Douaa Mugahid) has been an Associate Editor at Nature Communications since September 2020, where she handles computational and systems biology-related papers. Prior to that she was a post-doc at the Department of Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School, where she used a variety of methods to understand the role of YAP as a regulator of non-cell autonomous signaling in the liver and in cultured cells. As a graduate student at Heidelberg University and the Max Delbrueck Center in Germany she studied how hibernating bears avoid the loss of muscle mass. She was part of the inaugural class of Heidelberg University’s Master’s program in Systems Biology, and has been a member of the systems biology community ever since. She continues to serve science by advocating for papers that advance human knowledge, democratize scientific research, and improve scientific reproducibility.
Megahed is passionate about education and mentorship, which is why she serves as COO of Maqal 3elmy, an initiative that makes science accessible to the Arab world through pop-science pieces. She also volunteers with the Journal of Emerging Investigators. In this capacity she coordinates their Ask-A-Scientist program through which students get to ask questions related to science and the publication process. She is also one of JEI’s proofing editors, and an occasional reviewer.
When not doing any of the above Megahed enjoys reading, traveling, spinning, running, crafting and upholstering old furniture.

The Johns Hopkins Translational Immunoengineering is hosting a workshop series every Tuesday and Thursday in January.
The immunoengineering field is transforming cancer, autoimmunity, regeneration, and transplantation treatments by combining the diverse and complex fields of engineering and immunology. There is a significant need to train engineers in immunology and immunologists in quantitative engineering techniques. Moreover, there is a need to bridge basic immunological discoveries with advances in clinical application. This workshop will review immune system fundamentals and components, engineering strategies to modulate the immune system, and clinical applications.
After attending this workshop, the learner will demonstrate the ability to:
– Review the fundamentals and recent discoveries in the function of the immune system.
– Identify engineering strategies to manipulate the immune system.
– Describe the clinical applications of immunoengineering.
Go to their website to see schedule, speakers, topics, and registration information. Register by December 30, 2021. A late fee is applied for registering after the deadline.
This workshop is eligible for CME credit and offered as a two-credit course for Johns Hopkins students.

Is your lab ready to reduce its environmental impact?
Join My Green Lab on for a virtual panel discussion with previous Freezer Challenge participants, including JHU’s own James Leatherman, Clinical Sample Manager in the GI Oncology Research Lab at School of Medicine. They will share the strategies they used to be successful in this competition, encourage their lab colleagues to participate, and implement cold storage best practices in a variety of lab environments.
The discussion will be pertinent for lab groups already participating in the 2022 Freezer Challenge and those yet to sign up! This will be a fun, engaging conversation between colleagues with the goal of encouraging more scientists and laboratories from around the world to participate in the current Freezer Challenge. The 2022 Freezer Challenge runs until July 1, but it is not too late for additional labs to participate!
For questions about the JHU Freezer Challenge, email sustainability@jhu.edu or Green Labs Specialist, Ryan Weeks, rweeks3@jhu.edu.

All are welcome to attend our hybrid 15th Nano-Bio Symposium on Engineering Genes and Genomes.
From draft sequencing the human genome in 2001, to the development of CRISPR editing tools in 2012, to the first FDA approved gene therapy in 2017, recent progress in genetics and genomics has been astonishing. This year’s symposium will feature the frontiers of this exciting bioengineering research with lectures, panels, and posters to showcase diverse approaches to interrogate genome structure and manipulate gene products. Attendees will learn about nanoscale system developments to deliver gene therapies in tissue and cell specific ways, RNA regulatory dynamics that govern how genotype manifests as phenotype, genomic tagging to reveal lineage relationships in development and disease, and how to bring these advances to patients through safe, efficacious, and equitable genetic medicine development. By surveying this progress, engineers, biologists, and their partners can better understand the grand challenges to altering biological systems.
This is a hybrid event where the lectures and panels will be virtual and the poster session with a reception will be in-person. Registration is required.
Learn more about the agenda, speakers, and more here.

We invite you to see presentations by our summer students in INBT’s Research Experience for Undergraduates program at the CARES Symposium. Registration is required as the event is virtual.
The Hopkins C.A.R.E.S. Symposium (Career, Academic, and Research Experiences for Students) is on July 28, 2022, from 11 AM – 2:20 PM EST. The symposium provides opportunities for students who participated in a Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine pathway program to share their summer research presentations to the Hopkins community, faculty, recruits from local colleges and universities, and network with high-achieving undergraduates. All efforts will be made to make this event inclusive and accessible. To request accommodations or discuss other accessibility needs, please contact somdiversity@jhmi.edu.
INBT presenters include
Ayanna Horsford – poster presentation
Gaby Bentolila – poster presentation
Nyssa Engebo – oral presentation
Peyton Panovich – oral presentation
Christine Wei – oral presentation
Sulaiman Jenkins, Director of Academic Programs – moderator and closing remarks

Every summer for 12 years, the INBT has welcomed undergraduate students to the Nanotechnology for Biology and Bioengineering Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. Students spend 10-weeks with INBT faculty and mentors heavily engaged in research projects ranging from developing cancer therapies and diagnostic tools to using regenerative engineering to heal the body. They also participate in professional development training, networking activities, and explore Baltimore and other surrounding cities. We welcome you to join us to see presentations by our 2022 summer students as they showcase their research projects.
This event is hybrid. Space is limited in Malone Hall G33/G35 to 35 people. If space is unavailable we ask you to join by Zoom.
Zoom information
Meeting ID: 949 7726 3610
Passcode: 146035

Every summer for 12 years, the INBT has welcomed undergraduate students to the Nanotechnology for Biology and Bioengineering Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. Students spend 10-weeks with INBT faculty and mentors heavily engaged in research projects ranging from developing cancer therapies and diagnostic tools to using regenerative engineering to heal the body. They also participate in professional development training, networking activities, and explore Baltimore and other surrounding cities. We welcome you to join us to see presentations by our 2022 summer students as they showcase their research projects.
This event is hybrid. Space is limited in Malone Hall G33/G35 to 35 people. If space is unavailable we ask you to join by Zoom.
Zoom information
Meeting ID: 949 7726 3610
Passcode: 146035