Headshot of Josh Doloff. He has short dark hair, dark color eyes, and is wearing a beard and mustache. He is wearing a white laboratory coat over a blue horizontal stripped shirt and yellow and blue tie.

Joshua Doloff

Smith 5027

Joshua C. Doloff received his B.S.E. in Bioengineering from the University of Pennsylvania, and Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular Biology and Biochemistry from Boston University. His doctoral work on genetic engineering of cancer-targeted viral vectors won technology development and University Provost awards, and together with his work on chemotherapy-induced anti-tumor immune response, Joshua earned the Frank A. Belamarich Award for outstanding doctoral dissertation in his graduating class.

Later, Doloff received a Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Fellowship in the labs of Robert Langer and Daniel G. Anderson at MIT, where he worked to understand and then prevent immune-mediated rejection of macroscale biomaterial and biomedical device implants. This work contributed to numerous publications, awarded or pending patents, and a new startup. While Doloff has received multiple honors over the years, he was recently presented with a Distinguished Alumni Award from his Doctoral Department at Boston University, and just this November became a new Assistant Professor in Biomedical Engineering and Materials Science at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.  His interests fall in the areas of Immunoengineering and Regenerative Medicine, for which he plans on utilizing systems and synthetic biology approaches to understand complex tissue dynamics and generate improved therapeutic platforms for multiple applications including autoimmunity and transplantation medicine (ie., type 1 diabetes), ophthalmology, and cancer.