America’s biomedical research engine has produced lifesaving treatments for cancer and other diseases. Cuts to funding harm the lives and futures of Americans. What if 30% of the medicines you… Read More
By Leonardo Cheng and Johnny Moseman A team of Johns Hopkins engineers has discovered that machine learning can help predict efficient lipid nanoparticle designs, which can lead to improved vaccine… Read More
Johns Hopkins engineers repurpose common medications in a gel that can combat stubborn wounds Zombie outbreaks aren’t limited to popular TV shows, movies, and video games. In aging skin, these… Read More
Catching up with the first INBT Co-Op Participant, Andrew Beamesderfer. Andrew Beamesderfer, Engr ’16, ’17 (MSE) was among the first participants in the Johns Hopkins Institute for Nanobiotechnology (INBT) Co-Op, a… Read More
Jude Phillip, core researcher at the Institute for NanoBioTechnology and assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, received an R35 MIRA (Maximizing Investigator Research Award) award from the National Institutes of… Read More
Federal funding enables biomedical engineer Jamie Spangler and her team at Johns Hopkins to develop innovative treatments for autoimmune disorders, cancer, and other complex diseases Jamie Spangler oversees a lab of… Read More