INBT Featured in Spring 2024 JHU Engineering Magazine

Person in blue lab coat and purple nitrile gloves pipetting a red liquid in a petri dish under a laboratory fume hood.

Turning the Tide Against Superbugs

Calling all superbug slayers! Meet RoboDrop, the miniature terminator dishing out droplet combos to decimate drug-resistant bacteria developed by a team led by Tza-Huei “Jeff” Wang. Read more…

Advocating for Students with Disabilities

Ikshu Pandey’s interests lie at the intersection of materials science and neuroscience. As a senior double major, Pandey strives to assist other students with disabilities and neurodegenerative conditions in both her academic work and through her extracurricular activities. Read more…

World Changer

In December 2023, Quinton Smith, PhD ’17, was heralded as one of the year’s “Top 10 scientists on the cusp of changing the world” by Popular Science magazine. The periodical’s annual “Brilliant 10” honors early-career researchers under the age of 40 who stand out as innovators and changemakers in their fields. Read more…