REU Student Presentations

Every summer the INBT welcomes undergraduate students to the Nanotechnology for Biology and Bioengineering Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. Students spend 10-weeks with INBT faculty and mentors heavily engaged in research projects ranging from developing cancer therapies and diagnostic tools to using regenerative engineering to heal the body. They also participate in professional development training, networking activities, and explore Baltimore and other surrounding cities. We welcome you to join us to see presentations by our 2023 summer students as they showcase their research projects.
This event is hybrid. Space is limited in Maryland Hall 110 to 35 people. If space is unavailable please join by Zoom.
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Meeting ID: 949 4080 9585
1:00 pm-1:05 Welcome: Sulaiman Jenkins, Director of Academic Programs – Institute for NanoBioTechnology
1:05 pm -1:12 Olivia Barbieri – Three-Dimensional Mapping of Rhesus Macaque Brainstem Tissue using CODA. Olivia interns in the Wirtz Lab. Her home institution is Barnard College.
1:12 pm -1:19 Tyler Bartolome – Heat Tolerance of 4T1 Murine Breast Cancer. Tyler interns in the Ivkov Lab. His home institution is Drake University.
1:19 pm-1:26 William Dhana – Comparison of the Normal Pancreas Microanatomy to that of Individuals at High Risk for Development of Pancreatic Cancer. William interns in the Wirtz Lab. His home institution is Florida State University.
1:26 pm -1:33 Mikhaila Doyle – Investigating the Effects of the Rate of Exposure to Drug on the Metastatic Potential of Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells from Spheroids. Mikhaila interns in the Sofou Lab. Her home institution is Brown University.
1:33 pm-1:40 Justin Furgala – Extracellular Vesicle-Loaded Microgels as a Preventative Method for Radiation Fibrosis. Justin interns in the HQ. Mao Lab. His home institution is Clemson University.
1:40 pm -1:47 Sarah Gresham – 3D Printing at the Micro Scale: Nozzle and Material Design. Sarah interns in the Mueller Lab. Her home institution is the College of William & Mary.
1:47 pm -1:54 Annabelle Hendrickson – Investigating the immuno-stromal crosstalk in aged microenvironments of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL). Annabelle interns in the Phillip Lab. Her home institution is Smith College.
1:54 pm -2:01 Nicholas Herbst – Exploring the Effects of Substrate Stiffness on Metabolism. Alexandra interns in the Jeong Lab. His home institution is the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
2:01 pm: Lunch
2:45 pm – 2:52 Erin Hurley – Identification of FGL-1 interactome by APEX2 proximity labeling method. Erin interns in the X. Mao Lab. Her home institution is St. Mary’s College of Maryland.
2:52 pm -2:59 Simra Khan – Quantifying Protein Affinity: Assessing Immunofibers as an Alternative for Protein Purification. Simra interns in the Cui Lab. Her home institution is Long Island University.
2:59 pm -3:06 Demetria Labat – Synthesis and Characterization of Self-Assembling Peptide-Drug Conjugates for ChemoImmunotherapy. Demetria interns in the Cui Lab. Her home institution is Jackson State University.
3:06 pm -3:13 Kailee Parrott – Exploration into the Identification of Receptors in α-Synucleinopathy. Kailee interns in the X. Mao Lab. Her home institution is the University of Washington Seattle Campus.
3:13 pm -3:20 Roshni Patel – Investigating EGFR and EphA2 interactions in the plasma membrane at the first step of signal transduction. Roshni interns in the Hristova Lab. Her home institution is Hofstra University.
3:20 pm -3:27 Viviana Velez-Aviles – Characterizing Morphological Patterns of CD4+ Subsets. Viviana interns in the Phillip Lab. Her home institution is the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez.
3:27 pm -3:34 Thomas-Shadi Voges – KPC Mouse Pancreatic Cancer Cells Demonstrate Thermal Sensitivity. Thomas-Shadi interns in the Ivkov Lab. His home institution is North Central College.
3:34 pm -3:40 Closing: Sulaiman Jenkins, Director of Academic Programs – Institute for NanoBioTechnology
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