Nano-Bio Symposium: Cell Programming

April 21, 2023 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Johns Hopkins Homewood Campus
Institute for NanoBioTechnology

All are welcome to attend our 16th Nano-Bio Symposium on Cell Programming.

From Robert Hooke’s hazy observations to today’s single cell sequences and super-resolution images, cells have been a central focus of biological investigation. In 2023, the INBT’s Nano-Bio Symposium will explore breakthroughs in our ability to understand and program cells. Pioneering speakers will catalog the growing diversity of cell fate and cell state in multicellular organisms. Attendees will learn about powerful approaches to engineer cells using genetic, transcriptomic, and metabolic tools. And we will see how these methods are being translated into the clinic, ushering in a new era of powerful cellular therapies. By bringing together engineers, cell biologists, and translational scientists, the symposium will map the frontiers of this fundamental unit of biological organization.

This is event will feature lectures and a poster competition with a reception. Registration will be required.

More information coming soon.