The Institute for NanoBioTechnology collaborates with major industry partners to offer a Maters Cooperative (Co-Op) Education program for Johns Hopkins masters of science in engineering (MSE) students. The program provides MSE students career training while employed with an industry partner for six months where they gain work experience, network, and build technical and non-technical skills that prepares them for a competitive job market. Students receive a salary from the company while employed and college credit for completing the requirements.
Attend our information session to learn more about the program. Refreshments will be provided.
Contact Luke Thorstenson and Avery Barth, mbarth5@jh.edu, with questions or comments.

To broaden the opportunities for Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) students in the Whiting School of Engineering, the Institute for NanoBioTechnology (INBT) collaborates with major industry partners to offer a credited and paid co-op opportunity to MSE students in the Masters Co-Op Program. Participating students work at a biotech or other engineering company for six months and receive full-time pay and credits equivalent to a year of academic research. They also build their professional network and gain technical and non-technical skills that prepare them for a competitive job market.
Current and prospective MSE students are welcome to join our information session to learn more about the program. Pizza and beverages will be provided.