The INBT and PS-OC is encouraging the community to participate in the Vernon Rice Memorial Turkey Program, which supports Baltimore families. For every $25 raised, a basket with a fresh turkey and vegetables from a local farm will be provided to a family in need. Learn more about Vernon Rice, the program, and how to donate.
Donations for the Thanksgiving holiday are due November 13, 2020. Donations for the December holidays are due December 11, 2020.

20th Annual William Wallace Scott Sr. Memorial Lectureship. Collaborating Across Disciplines for Prostate Cancer Discover and Translation with Elizabeth A. Platz, ScD, MPH
Elizabeth A. Platz, ScD, MPH Professor and Martin D. Abeloff, MD Scholar in Cancer Prevention, Professor of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg, School of Public Health, Department of Urology, and the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Center at Johns Hopkins will be delivery the 20th Annual William Wallace Scott Sr. Memorial Lectureship. The title of her presentation is Collaborating across disciplines for prostate cancer discovery and translation.
View the flyer here.
2:00 pm – 2:04 pm Welcoming remarks: Shawn Lupold, Ph.D.
2:04 pm – 2:05 pm Introduction of Speaker: Kenneth J. Pienta, M.D.
2:05 pm – 3:15 pm 20th Annual William Wallace Scott Memorial Lectureship: Collaborating across disciplines for prostate cancer discovery and translation. Elizabeth A. Platz, ScD, M.P.H.
3:15 pm Meeting Adjourned
Zoom Meeting information
Meeting ID: 926 2905 7963
Passcode: 446732

Join other women researchers for a discussion on the challenges women in STEM experience, and how to overcome them. Share your experiences, network, and learn from one another.
This is your chance to asked established women researchers questions you always wanted to ask in a safe and non-judgemental atmosphere. Claire Hur, Daniele Gilkes, and Karen Eisinger will share their experiences, advice, and challenges facing women in STEM. Come with question or listen to the discussion.
About the speakers
- Soojung Claire Hur is the Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and associate faculty member at the INBT.
- Daniele Gilkes is an assistant professor in the Oncology Department, under the Breast and Ovarian Cancer Program, at Johns Hopkins. She is also an associate faculty member at the INBT and a researcher at the Johns Hopkins Physical Sciences-Oncology Center.
- Tzipora Sarah Karin Eisinger is the Ann B. Young Assistant Professor in Cancer Research University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. She is also a researcher in the Johns Hopkins Physical Sciences-Oncology Center.
Register for the event on Eventbrite. Registration closes 11/17/2020 at 4:30 pm. A Zoom link and passcode will be emailed to registrants the day before the event. Anonymous questions, comments, and experiences can be submitted prior to the event.